Asset Creations and More!

The holidays have come and gone, but what’s going on over here? Earlier this month, we announced our newest project, Amygdala. Since then, critical strides in the storyboarding and asset creation processes have been taking place. We’ve completed the storyboard and production plan, and for the past few days, have been analyzing the sketches we’ve made, to begin creating models, textures, scripts, and everything we need to get the game rolling. Here are some screenshots of some textures we are working on.

Sample of Wood Paneling - Untextured

Sample of Wood Paneling – Untextured

Sample of Wood Paneling - Textured

Sample of Wood Paneling – Textured

Sample of Cobblestone Tile - Untextured

Sample of Cobblestone Tile – Untextured


Amygdala: Embrace the Fear

I’m very proud to announce that Centurion Softworks has received a rush of morale due to a number of new staff we have added to our team. Because of this, we will be splitting our dev team between the makings of Mars: One, and Amygdala, a first person horror game which I am glad to announce today. It’s gotten past the drawing board, and we are ready to put the team into action on making this game! Stay tuned!
YouTube Channel

Happy November!

October was a hectic month here at the office, and we’re working very hard to bring you the very best content. Mars One videos will surface this weekend, so watch out for that here –> CLICK HERE  We have our programming team working specifically on game mechanics and are having the artists take time to kick the existing graphics up a notch. We want something that is presentable for an impending Alpha release (Date TBA). Thanks for sticking with us on this project. 

Also, as some of you may know, we recently had a big transfer from our former name, FusaroLabs, and we had to move the entire site over to a new domain and account. So, update all of your bookmarks and any references of links you have saved to the old site. 

Oh yeah, and happy ‘No Shave November!’

~President of Centurion Softworks

Mars One Updates & Next Video

It’s been almost a month since our last developer update (again,) which is partly due to our big move from FusaroLabs to Centurion Softworks. Regardless, today is the first in a series of Screenshot Sundays, which will be posted on our twitter page. As far as Mars One is concerned, the work we’ve been doing in the past few days have been mostly on the meat & potatoes of gameplay features, such as improving the menus and interactions in the world. Our goal is to immerse the player in a world that changes and requires constant adaptation to the conditions. Expect a video update within the week.


-Head Programmer for Mars One

A Quick Note on the ”Explore” Page

Some of you may have noticed the recent addition of the Explore page on the site, with links to all sorts of ‘labs’ pages. These will be extra sources of bits and pieces of news in our field, and will be fully operational within the week. When we transferred to the new URL during the move from FusaroLabs, there was a slight glitch. Please bear with us, and thank you for your patience.

President of Centurion Softworks